You can volunteer with DENT in several different ways:
1) We have a need at our pop-up and other DENTevents (such as MIXED DOUBLES) for you to join us in helping to conduct a workshop or activity, interacting with the public, answering questions, and other duties.
2) If you have some engaging and fun-oriented art-infused or other unique workshop skills (belly dancing, MIG welding, paint by numbers, pizza oven building, juggling, garden design, hair weaving, and tons more), we will work with you to conduct a class or event. We are OPEN to many possibilities!
3) You can become a board member, a cherished and esteemed part of the DENT family, and help guide the organization with your energy, experience, wit, skills, time, and other charming attributes.
If any or all of these have you panting to know more or if you have any questions, PLEASE contact us (LINK) and tell us about yourself. You might even get taken to lunch, or be able to grab a coffee/tea with the Director.
The best way to know about our activities? There are several options:
Join us on Facebook, Instagram, or SIGN UP for our DENT updates.
Thank you for considering…we are NOTHING, ZERO, DEAD IN THE WATER without our volunteers! WE LOVE YOU!

SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER and to get Updates HERE