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Welcome to the ReSource area!


Updated: May 19, 2020

DENT Creative Reuse Center and Art Laboratory's engines are getting up and runnin! We will use the ReSource area to offer all sorts of topics relating to Art, Reuse, and the Environment. We might even throw in a few oddballs since that would be in keeping with who we are and what we do. We take Play Seriously! Don't be fooled by impostors and always trust your own judgement. Spike Lee did Do the Right Thing and that's the road we are traveling. Have a topic you'd like for us to cover? Send us a note!

Wanna Be a Difference Maker?

We are always on the lookout for people to help make DENT a brick and mortar operation. Its about funding and volunteers (including board members) right now. We've done a number of programs, from Pop-Ups to the luminous Mixed Doubles: tandem lectures on unrelated topics (the 8-week over-the-top lecture series) over the past 2 years (and we wanna do more!)

So Join Us

Contact us and tell us what you are thinking about, ask us questions, throw out some possible program ideas, or pitch a workshop that you'd like to run. And never think for a moment that your idea is too weird. We have an opportunity to create something unique in Winston Salem and quite frankly, can't do it without you! Come on, what are you waiting for?



© 2023 DENT Creative Reuse Center and Art Laboratory. All Rights Reserved. 


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